Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Catching up again

Well, I am supposed to be writing more often, but I think I am going to concentrate on once a week. I think that will be a good goal. This weekend I took my sister in law Kim to Dallas to say goodbye to many of her friends. She is headed to training for living overseas. She will be training for the next 8 weeks and then will live overseas for several years. My in laws were also in Dallas and it was fun for Michael to see his grandparents. Michael was sad to see Aunt Kim leave, but we will see her at Christmas.
Michael is growing and learning everyday. He is constantly adding words to his vocabulary. He now talks in jibber jabber all day long. It is funny to catch the one word that makes sense and then wonder what else he is saying. Michael said "digdish" (big fish) this weekend as he was watching fish in the nursery aquarium at the church we were visiting. He also learned the money sound because his grandparents brought him a stuffed Curious George animal, and several monkey book also. He has never been attached to a paci or blanket, but he now is attached to the stuffed monkey. It is really cute.
Okay, I will say more later...gotta go to bed.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Trying this Again

Okay, I bought a journal about 4 weeks ago to write things down that happen each day, but I haven't written anything yet. So, I have found my blog that I haven't seen in a year and I am going to try to keep up with it. So here are a few things that need to be documented.
Michael started walking on 8/9/08, the day after the summer olympics started. Last night, 10/2/08 Kim and I took Michael on a walk in his stroller. A few steps down the road, Michael pointed to the sky and clearly said "MOON" and then he said it about 50 more time. I was so proud. Today we went and got his 3rd professional haircut...it looks cute. He did well.
He is not feeling well...Many poopy diapers a day and he also threw up today. All 4 of his molars are coming in and they are making him feel yucky. He is super picky on what he eats...hard to know what to feed him. Yesterday we went to the park and he hit the pavement 3 times and came home with scraped on his legs and face and a major busted lip. I have never seen such a busted lip. Anyways, say prayers for Michael when you think of him this week. Later........